A new polyclinic to train the great professionals of the future
12 November, 2018Video Award International Contest-Share Your International Experience
29 November, 2018In CEU the personal growth of students is just as important as their knowledge acquisition and professional development. A further example of this is the project Campus CEU Mejores. With this project CEU people will turn into teachers and counsellors. They will train in a non-formally validated university course youngsters leaving in Madrid from vulnerable social environments.
Christian humanism at the service of society
Campus CEU Mejores represents an opportunity for personal growth of our CEU students and professionals. In addition, it does not only benefit members of our academic community but also youngsters who receive classes. With it we incorporate to our work a new way to transmit to the society Christian values which are the cornerstones of the CEU family.
This second edition of Campus CEU Mejores will count with the presence of fifty professionals and students of different CEU centres. It is organized through the CEU Social Responsibility Department in collaboration with Fundación Helping by Doing.
The objective is to empower and motivate youngsters who participate to consider a university future focused on study and knowledge.
A commitment of our students and professionals
In this occasion students are a group of 14 youngsters between 18 and 24 years old of different nationalities. We propose six topics specifically designed and adapted for them. They will receive lessons from university professors and non-teaching staff of CEU centres in Madrid for three months.
The team of tutors is formed by a total of 48 volunteers who have attended workshops to carry out this duty optimally. They also dedicate their time to prepare sessions and contents and also to teaching hours. Nine CEU students from different degrees have joined them and they will act as tutors of the students of Campus CEU Mejores.
Specific and enriching training
This experimental project extensible to the rest of CEU Universities will provide youngsters with their own non-approved degree by the USP CEU. To obtain it they will have to attend a minimum of 80% of sessions. They shall also pass 80% of case studies proposed and present a final project.
This second edition has also counted with the presence of companies such as Rastreator and Cofares to bring the experience of the corporate world close to students
Training sessions will discuss practical and useful topics about these aspects:
- Development of skills.
- Financial and entrepreneurship concepts.
- Digital and technological world.
- Employment integration.
- History and society.
- Science and health.
Moreover students of Campus CEU Mejores just as any CEU student can take part in the extracurricular services and activities of the University. The goal is that these youngsters will be able to enjoy the university experience as broad as possible as well as to inspire them to incorporate it to their future plans.
Youngsters to be trained under the Better CEU Campus come from Fundación Senara, Proyecto Esperanza, La Merced Migraciones, Fundación Soñar Despierto, NGO Cesal, Fundación Barró and Asociación La Rueca. Classes will be held in Moncloa Campus and the Montepríncipe Campus of Universidad CEU San Pablo.