Skills have to be fostered to study efficiently during confinement
13 May, 2020CEU Universities: tradition and prestige for an international and excellent education
18 May, 2020Educational centres at the avant-guard of innovation are those which swiftly adapt to the fast transformation of the employment market and the irruption of disruptive technologies which demand highly qualified education (cyber-security, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, etc.).
Ironically, the University is not offering companies the profiles demanded with a relevant fall of enrolments in STEM degrees and a persistent gender gap. Thus, leading companies are not capable of covering many of their vacancies and ever more graduates have problems to find quality employments when they finish their studies. This is something that does not happen at CEU Universities that reach 95% employability. Without doubt, the commitment to innovation and internationalization back these excellent results forged at CEU Schools from the first years thanks to the important role of school counsellors.
A ranking that analyses over 500 educational institutions and places CEU USP in the third place
In this sense, CEU is to be congratulated: Universidad CEU San Pablo ranks third in this list of the 40 most innovative Latin American Universities according to This means that the centre in Madrid is one of the centres with the greatest digitalization level. It acknowledges its commitment to transformation of the educational system, with the goal to adapt to the digital era through the update of structures, programs and methodologies. A good example is the quick adaptation to online training requiring the closing of centres due to the pandemics.
With this ranking they outstand the effort and above all, the change in paradigm that will end up in the benefit of the society as a whole as well as of companies that will gain competitiveness as they enrich themselves with profiles ever more qualified.
Innovation and internationalization go hand in hand
For talent to reach companies it is necessary for universities to adapt their educational offer and programs to the new needs of the employment market. Moreover, boosting the necessary competences and skills, using flexible methodologies and customizing the educational experience are essential for students to give the best of themselves.
In this line, internationalization of the institution is one of the key indicators that has considered to prepare this ranking. Also they have assessed the level of innovation of methodologies, the learning tools, the approach to 4.0 industry, the incorporation to the experts of the corporate environment, the internationalization of the institution as well as the awards obtained.
In all these aspects CEU San Pablo outstands as a centre with international vocation, actual and connected with the main university networks and world researchers. In fact, the CEU USP is the only Spanish university with international programs with prestigious universities such as Columbia University, Boston University, The University of Chicago and Fordham University.
Also it receives the visit of foreign teachers among other advantages that provide their students with international experience. Moreover, it links its education to the real world where students are going to work. They are offered internships in companies with nearly five million agreements. On the other hand, professors do not only have an excellent academic experience; it also has a consolidated experience in the professional and research environment.