Increase of employment offers for Postgraduate alumni
5 July, 2021CEU Global Classroom, a teaching innovative methodology of online internationalization
12 July, 2021At CEU we have been the last 80 years turning our students’ vocation into an occupation. We are the biggest private education group in Spain with over twenty education centres offering over 200 official teaching. CEU outstands with respect to other educational institutions because it covers all educational stages of life, from Nursery to Adult University. It does not only offer knowledge and the development of skills and abilities for professional life, but rather a sound education in values based on Christian humanism values. Values which are translated into our own way of understanding the educational activity and understand the world we live in, its changes and its challenges. We seek to raise great professionals at the service of common good. And within this framework, knowing what to teach our youngsters is essential.
CEU Universities provide an academic education that enables future teachers to design, plan and assess comprehensive educational processes for the care of children; and at the same time to practically develop all skills today’s teachers require. A teaching model prepared for an increasingly global, digital and based-on-values world.
A comprehensive education program designed around two main axes; sound humanist education encouraging reflection and critical thinking and the early practical experience in class because we want to awake passion for their profession and we understand that in order to become the best teachers, they have to know the actual educational reality from the beginning.
Being a teacher is one of those options that connect with a way of life and therefore require intense vocation. This has always been like this but at present transformations consequence of the digital revolution require even more involvement and leadership of teachers. Today we see more clearly than ever that the school does not only have to transmit knowledge but rather raise the person comprehensively.
The purpose of the degrees and double degrees in Education by CEU Universities is to prepare excellent teachers who will be able to respond to educational needs and accompany pupils in their physical, affectionate, social and intellectual process in that nursery stage identifying the factors that encourage them and the difficulties they face.
Aware of the responsibility and importance of the role of teachers in society, CEU Universities raise teachers passionate for teaching and with the vocation of changing the world. Future teachers competent in their area of expertise, with sound values with a broad and proper vision of the world, with reflection and critical thinking capacity that will significantly teach and contribute to the growth of children.