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16 January, 2020Students of the 1st year of Audiovisual Communication of CEU Cardenal Herrera have taken part for the fourth consecutive year in the “Equality Awards of Audiovisual Communication”. This Award is an innovation project of the University Centre in collaboration with the Department of Equality directed by Professor Ruth Abril and promoted by the topics of Fundamentals of Journalism Communication taught by Elvira García de Torres and Fundamentals of Audiovisual Communication by professors Manolo Millán and Santiago Maestro.
Winning Works: talent and commitment
The jury has highlighted the quality of the works presented which have exceeded the expectations of organizers and experts. The Councillor of Social Services and Equality of the Town hall of Alfara del Patriarca, Marisa Almodovar, assisted to the presentation as well as the Councillor of Equality and Social Services of the Town hall of Moncada, Felicidad Bondía, and the responsible of Communication of the Local Police of Valencia, Ricard Chicot.
The first prize has been awarded to Daniel Cros and Javier Ruiz with “43”. In the category of special prize it was awarded to the Video with most creative message and Popular Vote, the jury also choose “El Lienzo” by Susana Celis, Teresa Faus, María Garrido, Claudia Hernández and Arantxa Navarro. Moreover “Muda” has been awarded with the special prize for the Video with the clearest message. It has been produced by Cristina Hervás, Danila Lomov, Marianna Pierina and Andrea Vide.
According to Professor Elvira García, “the challenge has encouraged them to lead the way, to develop specific and transversal skills to offer solutions from their areas of expertise, to a serious social problem such as gender violence”.
The social role of audiovisual creators
One of the participants, Arantxa Navarro, has declared that taking part in the contest has made her aware of the key role of education in the heart of the family to fight against gender violence. “Respect is crucial for a healthy coexistence and this has to be passed on to our children”. Moreover it mentions that audiovisual works and creativity are both highly useful tools to communicate messages regarding the fight against gender violence.
This opinion about the responsibility of the audiovisual creator is shared with another participant Javier Ruiz.
According to this student “creating good scripts and attractive audiovisual pieces, we can reach many people, make them understand the serious problems existing around them every day and even show victims that they are not alone”. He also mentions that this experience has provided a great level of learning. This way he has been aware of the existing problem: “I believe that it is important that in case of doubt about any close relationship, we try to help asking instead of turning our back to this serious problem”.
Quoting Elvira García de Torres, the response has once more been very positive. Maturity, vision and technique of the participating students have once more outstood and this proves the talent of the lecture rooms of Audiovisual Communication of CEU Cardenal Herrera.
This project is embedded in the comprehensive and values education provided by CEU Universities. The purpose is to educate society of the future and make it critical, participative, solidary and committed with the improvement of the society.