New call for the competition CEU Emprende for students and Alumni
5 September, 2022Nearly 800 new international students join UCH CEU classes
12 September, 2022Universidad CEU San Pablo has started the new academic year with a welcome festive encounter for nearly 2,300 new students who join our classes, 9% more than the previous year. The University Chancellor, Rosa Visiedo, has encouraged new students to “live university”, to make the most of all possibilities offered, with a broad range of services and excellent academic education that will provide them with personal and intellectual growth.
Thus she has invited them to take part in all activities proposed from the different areas, clubs or Campus Life that will help them cultivate their hobbies and raise new interests. “We offer a University that wants to raise good professionals but also people capable of thinking, with solid values and with the determination of acting to build a fairer society and a better world for all” has highlighted.
The Welcome Day held at the Campus of Montepríncipe has offered new students the opportunity to meet the teaching staff and their future teachers in different specific sessions depending on their studies. Enlivened with life music, outside the Campus there were 20 information marquees of the different services and activities offered by the University: Campus Life, Clubs, University Orientation Service (SOU), Grow Path for Students (GPS), Voluntary Activities, Pastoral, Sports, Alumni, Professional Careers, Digital Ambassadors, Own Degrees in Values and Leadership in the Digital Area, Family Institute and Youngsters ACdP.
Renowned international prestige
Universidad CEU San Pablo with over 80 years of experience in higher education makes a strong bet for innovation, research, internationalization and digitalization as tool to adapt to new social realities and demands. It has started an innovative teaching program, the Exploria project that enriches and updates the teaching activity and syllabus contents with new tools, methodologies and teaching methods promoting continued training, internal and environment collaboration.
The prestige of University is renowned internationally. CEU Universities appear in the international ranking by the British firm Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), specialized in the analysis of higher education institutions. The three universities of CEU Group are among the 25 best Spanish Universities. Also, the QS Stars evaluation system to which many universities worldwide voluntarily submit to certify the fulfilment of the demanding quality requirements defined by QS itself, CEU Universities have obtained the highest score – 5 stars- in the categories of internationalization, teaching, employability and inclusion. In academic development, social responsibility and premises they have been awarded 4 stars.
CEU Universities are also highly recognised in the Young University Rankings 2022, ranking 4th among a total of 32 Spanish universities. And worldwide they rank 136 of a total of 790 universities in 68 countries. It is also the second one in the national territory in quotes of scientific publications and the first on in the proportion of women among students (64%).
One more year the World University Ranking by Times Higher Education (THE) prepared to assess the quality of University institutions worldwide places CEU Universities among the best Spanish universities as well as at an international level.