A new way of learning for these new times
21 April, 2022«The labour market demands more transversal knowledge»
28 April, 2022The European Commission has published the preliminary results of the call of MSCA 2021 Actions of program ‘Horizon Europe’ (HEu), both for the contracting of pre-PhD researchers (MSCA-DN) and post-PhD (MSCA-PF).
The University has obtained the two first awards of MSCA Actions within the new Framework Plan “Horizon Europe”. Both actions will be adhered to the Centro de Metabolómica y Bioanálisis (CEMBIO) of the Faculty of Pharmacy and will be led by Professor Coral Barbas.
One of the projects is a considerable MSCA-DN titled “Harmonising and Unifying Blood Metabolomic Analysis Networks”, that will allow to train 10 PhD students in an international and collaborative environment. It is coordinated by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece and it will have a total of 18 entities from eight different countries. Its budget is of €2.6M. It is the first consortium project granted to the CEU USP in Horizon Europe and will allow CEMBIO the contracting of 1 pre-PhD researcher within the framework of the project.
The second project is a MSCA-PF that incorporates to our University a researcher from Brazil to carry out an investigation about nervous anorexia. She will be the sixth post PhD researcher Marie Slodowksa Curie to join Universidad CEU San Pablo.
Excellent evaluation in international projects
The Office of International Research Projects (OPII) embedded within the Vice-Rectorate of Research and Professors of USP, as support structure, offers counselling for the participation of University researchers in international calls, organizing information sessions, for the revision of proposals and providing counselling to candidates to improve their participation increasing success possibilities.
These two calls reinforce assistance to researchers being developed by OPII in the preparation of competitive research proposals and with good results.
MSCA-PF has obtained an excellent grade of 100/100. Only 0.38% of 1,062 proposals assessed by the Chemistry panel have reached this evaluation. MSCA-DN has obtained 96.2/100.