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19 September, 2022New learning models for the acquisition of skills
26 September, 2022The Vice-Chancellor of Internationalization and Digital Transformation of Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, Alfonso Díaz, has just been elected member of the community of experts Internationalisation at Home (IaH) of the European Association for International Education (EAIE), one of the two most important bodies worldwide within the scope of university internationalization.
The appointment by vote of the members of this prestigious institution for a period of two years confirms the position of CEU UCH in the scope of internationalization. A success already acknowledged by the EAIE two years ago, when it appointed professor Diaz associated member of the same community.
For that first appointment, the good results in the implementation of COIL methodology (Collaborative Online International Learning) were of great importance as explained then by the Vice-Chancellor. “When we first started to develop this methodology in our University, international attention focused on us because it was the first time it was done in Spain in an ordered and structured manner fostered by the institution from directors but also with an essential involvement of teachers”, declared Alfonso Díaz.
“And now – outlines the Vice-Chancellor of Internationalization of CEU UCH- when the EAIE has noted that we were ahead of other countries and Spanish universities within the scope of internationalization, it has asked us to form part of its experts committee to help extend our initiatives”. “The final purpose very in line with the values of this international body is to learn, share and help” concludes the academic responsible.
Internationalization milestones
Beyond the appointment of professor Díaz as member of the IaH experts commission, the internationalization strategy in which CEU UCH has been working hard for several years has materialized in the accomplishment of other goals. For example, its election as headquarters of the next edition of the International Virtual Exchange Conference (IVEC) 2022 next October.
IVEC 2022 is a milestone of the internationalization strategy of CEU UCH that will be the first non-English university worldwide hosting this professional forum, the most important of its kind. A reference event that will gather experts from the whole planet to deal with issues related to new technologies applied to higher education.
But, aside from the COIL scope, where it is already a world reference, CEU UCH continues leading the way of internationalization in our country’s universities.