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7 September, 2023When facing a job interview potential candidates have many doubts on how to face this situation and succeed in the recruitment process especially when they face a job interview for the first time in their lives.
Different types of job interviews
In this article we give you some advice on how to show your skills and knowledge during a job interview in order to succeed. But before, we will go over the different types of job interviews you may face and for this purpose we refer to this post of Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera:
Traditional or curricular interview
In this interview you normally review the CV of the candidate. The interest of the interviewer is normally focused on the reasons to change jobs of the candidate, the tasks performed in his last work experience, on his specific knowledge, etc.
If you are facing this type of interview try to explain in a clear manner each step of your work experience, be sincere and practice the speech of what you are going to say.
Interview based on skills
This type of interview is focused on the achievement of specific descriptions of the professional and/or personal background showing behaviours related to the skills sought for the job offer.
To prepare it you should practice speaking about your successes and achievements throughout your professional life. It is important that your answers and clear and accurate and that you avoid monosyllables. You shall also consistently explain each of your achievements.
Group interviews
Group dynamics: In this type of interviews you have to be very respectful with speaking times trying to make value contributions and being as natural as possible.
Assessment Centres: It is a technique to assess the individual and group behaviour of candidates. They normally include group exercises, interviews with some members of the company, resolution of case studies, presentations, etc.
Digital interviews
Through a screen or videocall the candidate responds to the questions made by the company. Answers are recorded for a representative of the company offering the position to assess. They may be live or à la carte which means, when the candidate is available.
Keys are the same the only difference is that you will be at home.
- Take care of the background that will appear behind you. Choose an appropriate place. Appropriate light, stability, neutral and tidy background.
- Make sure that there will be no interruptions, noises or distractions.
- Check your connection.
- Revise the profile that will appear in the connection platform. The user name and picture have to identify you as a professional candidate.
In general terms it is digital format. Recruiters assess behaviours showed by candidates during the game (that will be adapted to the requirements sought by the company).
Keys to succeed in a job interview
Maybe the most important thing is to remember that if you prepare the interview properly you will feel more confident and ready to answer any question.
Before facing the professional market it is just suitable that you spend some time to discover what is the value proposal you are offering companies. Knowing that you are specially good will help you better defend your candidacy in a job interview.
You have to be able to present a brief but clear image of you as candidate. Work on those aspects that CEU Alumni revises in this article :
- Your position, experience and responsibilities. Start describing your position, experience, skills that make you the ideal candidate for the position without taking too long.
- Talk about your relevant achievements, something that shows your skills for the position. Choose an achievement to highlight of your career, education or professional experience. One representing those skills you want to highlight.
- Why are you suitable for the position.
For that reason it is a good idea to make an exercise of self-assessment to make yourself some questions such as:
- What is my professional target?
- What can I do to achieve it?
- What knowledge do I have?
- What is my language level?
- Do I have professional experience?
- Which are my skills?
- Which are my achievements? What have I done to attain them?
If you are not able to send a clear message on these three aspects, the rest of the interview will be worthless.
- Reasons to work in this company.
- Why do you think you are the perfect person for the position.
- Which are your skills
At the end of the interview ask for the position on the long-term, its challenges and responsibilities. In other words, show interest.