The enriching experience of expanding horizons studying abroad
19 May, 2022What do companies look for in University graduates joining the labour market for the first time?
26 May, 2022Soft skills are those non-technical skills that you will have to work and promote if you wish to opt to better employments. To sum up they are some features of your professional profile increasingly important for companies.
Although there are many interesting soft skills we have summarized them in five essentials. Before going to your next work meeting, we invite you to make yourself the following questions!
Team work
The capacity to cooperate efficiently with different people is essential in the corporate world. You may probably have to face small crisis situations with this people and the easiest thing will be to blame someone else. Therefore we advise you to change your approach from who to why: from looking for someone to blame to studying the origin of the conflict. And obviously design a strategy and search for an appropriate solution for all parties. Add a follow-up plan and you will win the problems solving medal.
Therefore in marketing forget about egocentrism and focus on knowing your speaker and its circumstances. If it’s a client turn into its ally, if a colleague remember that you all form part of the same team and that in the end the important thing is to sell as much and good as possible.
Analytic capacity
If you thought numbers were only the role of Finance, you were totally wrong. Obviously a marketing professional has to be familiar with the financial situation of the company and therefore it is necessary to know about accounting, costs analysis and management. But it is necessary to go beyond…
At present it is essential to have analysis capacity to solve problems, to detect trends and make decisions. Indeed always based on data. What we call in English a data-driven analysis (have we already mentioned the fact of speaking English?).
Professional flexibility and adaptation
Studying in Valencia, living in Valencia… working in Valencia? We are sorry but this does no longer work like that. You may find it repetitive but globalization and new technologies have eliminated physical frontiers at work and not only because it is totally possible to make a commercial presentation to clients from home or visit virtual exhibitions from the sofa.
Today physically traveling to the other side of the world is easier than ever. In Europe there are no frontiers since long ago. The world looks to China, India, Dubai…Spanish companies build headquarters in Latin America, and you pretend to stay always in the same place?
We all know that it is necessary to know how to communicate: to write a cover letter, to overcome a work interview, to create a good commercial…It seems easy but it is not: communicate is not a synonym for surprising (or at least not always).
If you think about it, communicators are vehicles of ideas. It is about transmitting an idea and do it in the best possible way for the person who receives the message and let us not fool ourselves, we all like interesting stories.