CEU offers training and job placement for Paralympic athletes
26 April, 2023Aula Adecco: improving competitiveness through talent
5 May, 2023Speaking languages, having experience, academic background….These are some of the typical requirements you have to face when you are looking for a job. But in an ever more global and digital world, the employment arena demands other skills and attitudes. Which are the keys to improve your employability?
- Education oriented to excellence. On the grounds of the knowledge offered by your university degree, what makes you unique is to study a Master at a good university to create a good professional profile or to know at least three languages. This will make your CV outstand among many others.
- Afterwards you can complement your education with extracurricular activities. Team sports or debate groups, for example, will allow you to develop basic soft skills for your future employment; oratory, team work, decision making….
- Work, work, work. Effort and hard work always get a reward. Attention! Hard work does not always mean working many hours but rather giving 120% in everything you do.
- Your attitude makes the difference. Companies are increasingly paying attention to this variable affecting everyone around you in the employment environment and which allows the creation of an employment environment that will determine the moral, productivity and skills of team building.
- Another important factor is geographical mobility. In order to climb a company’s pyramid you might have to accept changes of destination. It is a great opportunity to leave your comfort zone and continue your professional development.
- To succeed you have to fail. Having failed before gives you the chance to discover grounds for improvement; it moves you to explore new paths and search more creative answers, fresh and original; it helps you avoid the same mistakes in the future; it enables you to be more understanding with others. It stimulates reflection and strengthens character.
- Networking. Care for and boost your relations not only in the professional scope but also in the personal one.