University clubs, reasons to join them
6 April, 2021Studying the Degree in Architecture at CEU
13 April, 2021It is broadly known that having a successful professional career it is not just a matter of holding a degree of a prestigious university such as CEU Universities. Having also other skills and abilities is essential to outstand among other candidates. No wonder, soft skills or transversal skills are already the most valued by recruiters. In CEU Universities we are aware of this and therefore we offer comprehensive and practical information focused on the preparation of our students for a boarder-free professional world.
Negotiating to attain our goals
Without doubt having the capacity to unfold with self-confidence and ability in highly changing environments and collaborate with different people is essential to opt for a good position or to develop an undertaking initiative. Orientation in the decision-making process, resolution of problems, good communication, leadership, creativity, management of time, empathy…are as valuable as your degree.
Regarding the last one, empathy, it is an ability that will open many doors in your life and in your career: negotiation. This is something that we do every day, without even realising. But in work environments, knowing how to negotiate is the key to grow and do not miss any opportunity. Making efficient efforts in the interaction to attain our goals emphasising on common interests and solving potential conflicts is the definition of a successful negotiation.
What are the stages of negotiation?
It is a demanding process for which you will require preparation and a strategy. Indeed the experience will improve our communication skills but knowing the keys will also be helpful:
- Preparation. With it we improve our flexibility. In this stage we have to define which aspects we will deal with, our intentions, ideal limits and the less positive option, red lines and all other proposals that can be given away.
- Discussion. It is the stage of exchange of information, one part starts committing and both explore options. The most relevant aspect of this stage is to be able to create a relationship based on trust. It is important to make concessions to achieve a long-lasting and productive connection.
- Proposals and closing. It is the time to use all our resources to defend our position having always the other part in mind but clearly focusing on the goal.
What are the skills and competences of a good negotiator?
These basic skills:
- Self-knowledge and confidence.
- Emotional self-control for an optimal communication with others.
- Motivation.
- Empathy and active listening.
- Assertiveness.
- Capacity to show negotiating skills in any environment and place to create a negotiating profile and be seen as such by others.