Over a third of our graduates in Architecture have the chance to work abroad
15 October, 2018What advantages bring oratory and debate to future career?
8 November, 2018.Employability defines the skills and potential of a person to be employed by a company. It also shows its capacity to carry out its duties with quality. Moreover it refers to the competitiveness of an employee in the labour market.
At present, companies start giving priority to skills and abilities. Degrees and academic backgrounds in general come after in the list of requirements. The report of the JOB LAB CEU-SANTANDER “Study of university employment trends” already mentioned their importance when considering a candidate as valuable.
The most important skills for employer companies
This study above mentioned counted with 941 companies of all sectors, sizes and locations. We observe that skills and abilities are the most valued requirement for 32.4% of participants. We therefore conclude that they provide value added to a candidate with positive attitude and disposition, which are crucial to develop the work optimally.
Team work and the capacity to make decisions are the most valued skills although each sector has its own requirements. Therefore, communication and oral expression gain importance in commercial or sales positions. As for legal and juridical environments, the negotiation capacity comes first.
According to Davos Forum, the most demanded skills in two years will be related to cooperative learning and by projects, with strong presence in CEU university lecture halls.
Forecast of the most demanded skills by companies in 2020 according to the World Economic Forum
The labour market is increasingly competitive and complex as a reflection of the changes the society is undergoing. The responsible, in a great extent, is the so called fourth industrial revolution promoted by new technologies. Not only work positions are disappearing but new profiles are being created on an ongoing basis. In this environment, the capacity to handle uncertainty and to adapt to changes will be essential for our students.
Moreover, the capacity to solve complex problems with judgment and effectively will make the difference. It will also represent an advantage in the development of critical thinking, essential to solve problems. In addition, innovation and creativity will place our students in a favourable position.
Team work and coordination of people, the capacity to delegate and to motivate are also aspects to be taken into account. They are translated into one word: leadership. In this line, we know that emotional intelligence is crucial for future leaders. Just as being flexible and accepting changes with optimism.
How CEU Universities boost the employability of its students
We are aware of the importance of our role when boosting employability of youngsters and expanding their professional horizons. To identify, improve and assess the skills of our students within the framework of their studies is vital to attain a positive transition from university to professional life. To this end, it is also essential to receive the support and orientation from university centres.
The innovative program Professional horizons is specially designed to encourage skills. It analyses the skills, motivations, abilities and areas to stimulate for each student, they are offered personal surveillance and an action plan to make the most of their strengths. In addition, the signature of agreements with companies is another efficient way to boost employability of our graduates. In general, the university is a great ally to find your first job, thanks to job boards, employment forums and recommendations of professors.
In CEU Universities we are aware that the level of employability points directly to the quality of our education also oriented to excellence.