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25 January, 2021Department for International Relations of CEU Universities: your destination, the world
2 February, 2021Experts in Artificial Intelligence, in cyber security, in robotics…the new profiles evolve nearly as fast as technology. At CEU Universities we want to meet the needs of organizations with a suitable academic offer that will help us educate young professionals capable of facing future challenges. All this will be based on the values of Christian Humanism.
Artificial Intelligence already forms part of our daily life: mobile, email, car…Long time ago it turned into a merely academic concept to change our lives although we may not be aware of it. In fact, it is also used to make financial or academic decisions or those decisions regarding health hence the importance of being entrusted to someone committed to equality and justice.
But behind this Artificial Intelligence there are individuals and that is why algorithms “inherit” the prejudices of those who design them. Also their automatic learning depends on the training information considered. Therefore if an algorithm is trained with information incorporating sexists or racists biases its predictions will reflect those trends. One of the main ethical issues we are facing to solve this problem is how to reach the balance between the evident need of accurate algorithms free of biases and the transparency that people affected shall receive. But without doubt, the challenge is to achieve algorithms leading to an ethical behaviour. This is the point where the importance of an appropriate and updated legislation and necessary ethical debates with the participation of the whole society comes into play.
Educating a generation of professionals in Artificial Intelligence is a challenge and a great opportunity for CEU
Without doubt the development of new technologies has to go hand in hand with ethics and the understanding of the needs of sectors where AI models will be applied as well as of those people which may be affected. Biases in Artificial Intelligence can lead to inequalities.
In the line of CEU commitment with the employability of our students as well as with the education of future professionals, we have turned into the first educational group worldwide offering a 3-year program on Artificial Intelligence thanks to our collaboration with Microsoft.
We are aware that at the same time as we offer an education of excellence, it is necessary to always focus on AI as an instrument to preserve justice, respect dignity of people and promote solidarity and non-discrimination. Therefore algorithms shall not rest opportunities to anyone. In this line, the UNESCO and the European Commission consider AI as a key sector for development and an essential tool in knowledge societies. They highlight the need of mainstreaming human rights insisting on the regulation of all sectors and on the technological community as well as the implementation of transparency and constant monitoring mechanisms in order to fight biases and discrimination.